Nhảy tới nội dung

Kiểm tra trạng thái giao dịch


Sanbox URL: https://sit-pgw.onefin.vn/public/v3/mweb/checkPayment
Production URL: https://pgw.onefin.vn/public/v3/mweb/checkPayment
Method: POST
Content-type: application/json


Fields (Lv.1)Fields (Lv.2)MandatoryData TypeRemarks
signatureYStringSignature of message JSON string (Tham khảo 6.2 Tạo/xác thực chữ kí (Signature))
messagesYString (Json)JSON String of the data to initiate payment request.
productCodeYString (255)Product Code (generated by OneFin server upon merchant registration)
trxRefNoYString (50)Client transaction reference number, must be unique for each merchant code


Fields (Lv.1)Fields (Lv.2)MandatoryData TypeRemarks
signatureYStringSignature of message JSON string (6.2 Tạo/xác thực chữ kí (Signature))
messagesYString(Json)JSON String of the data to initiate payment response.
productCodeYString (255)Product Code (generated by OneFin server upon merchant registration)
currencyYString (255)Currency type
amountYString (255)Amount of the transaction
processingFeeYString (255)Currency type. (Team khảo 6.1.2 Curency Code)
trxRefNoYString (255)Client transaction reference number, must be unique for each merchant code
transactionIdYString (255)Transaction ID in OneFin server
statusIdYString (255)Status ID of the transaction status. (Tham khảo 6.1.1 Transaction Status Code)
gatewayTransactionIdYString (255)Transaction ID from payment gateway
orderIdYString (255)Order ID sent to payment gateway
errorCodeYString (255)Error code returned from payment gateway
errorMessageYString (255)Error message returned from payment gateway