Nhảy tới nội dung

Gửi yêu cầu thanh toán


Sanbox URL: https://sit-pgw.onefin.vn/public/v3/mweb/generatePayment
Production URL: https://pgw.onefin.vn/public/v3/mweb/generatePayment
Method: POST
Content-type: application/json


Fields (Lv.1)Fields (Lv.2)MandatoryData TypeRemarks
signatureYStringSignature of message JSON string (Tham khảo 6.2 Tạo/xác thực chữ kí (Signature))
messagesYString (Json)JSON String of the data to initiate payment request.
productCodeYString (255)Product Code (generated by OneFin server upon merchant registration)
currencyYString (255)Currency type. (Tham khảo 6.1.2 Curency Code)
amountYString (255)Amount of the transaction, multiply payment amount with 100 (amount = payment amount * 100)
trxRefNoYString (50)Client transaction reference number, must be unique for each merchant code
backendURLYString (255)URL that receives the callback (5.3 Callback) from OneFin server
responsePageURLYString (255)URL that the browser will be route to after the transaction is done
mobileNoYString (255)Merchant mobile number
transactionMethodYString (255)Refer 6.1.3 Payment Methods Code for transaction method reference (only mandatory when actionMethod = 0)
actionMethodYString (255)Refer 6.1.3 Payment Methods Code for transaction method reference (only mandatory when actionMethod = 0)
emailYString (255)Merchant email (mandatory only for "Credit / Debit Card (CYBS) – transactionMethod = 5").
addressLine1NString (255)Address of the user
addressLine2NString (255)Address of the user
addressLine3NString (255)Address of the user
cityNString (255)User city of residence
postcodeNString (255)User postal code
firstNameNString (255)User first name
lastNameNString (255)User last name
memberIdNString (255)Mandatory for bind card option to be available
paymentTokenNString (255)Token from binded card (only mandatory when actionMethod = 1


Fields (Lv.1)Fields (Lv.2)MandatoryData TypeRemarks
signatureYStringSignature of message JSON string (6.2 Tạo/xác thực chữ kí (Signature))
messagesYString(Json)JSON String of the data to initiate payment response.
productCodeYString (255)Product Code (generated by OneFin server upon merchant registration)
merchantNameYString (255)Merchant name
currencyYString (255)Currency type
amountYString (255)Amount of the transaction
trxRefNoYString (255)Client transaction reference number, must be unique for each merchant code
paymentURLYString (255)URL that requires the browser to redirect to get the payment page